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PTSD Specialist

OC-Psychiatrist, Inc.

Andrew D Morrow, M.D.

Psychiatrist located in Mission Viejo, CA

Experiencing a traumatic event is stressful for everyone, but having post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) means you continue to have severe anxiety, flashbacks, or nightmares long after the event has passed. Psychiatrist Andrew Morrow, MD, at OC-Psychiatrist, Inc. in Mission Viejo, California, offers a variety of treatments to help you cope with PTSD. To learn how you can free yourself from the restraints of PTSD and live a happier life, call the office or book an appointment online today.


What is PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder that develops after you witness or experience a terrifying event, such as a serious accident, natural disaster, war, or a violent personal assault. 

It’s normal to feel more anxiety and fear following any of these events. However, people with PTSD continue to experience symptoms of a trauma response long after the traumatic event has ended. 

Some people relive the event through flashbacks and nightmares that trigger intense, disturbing feelings. These feelings can interfere with day-to-day functioning and make it difficult to maintain personal relationships.

What are the symptoms of PTSD?

PTSD symptoms fall into four main categories:

Intrusive thoughts

These include re-experiencing the traumatic event in the form of repeated, unwanted memories, nightmares, or flashbacks. Some flashbacks may be so vivid that you feel like you’re reliving the event right before your eyes.

Avoiding reminders

Avoidance symptoms include staying away from places, events, and objects that trigger memories of the traumatic experience as well as avoiding thoughts and feelings of it. You may change your daily routine or resist talking about the event to avoid reminders. 

Negative thoughts and feelings

You may develop distorted negative beliefs about yourself and others or experience persistent feelings of anger, guilt, fear, or shame.

Arousal and reactivity symptoms

These symptoms include having anger outbursts, being easily startled, behaving recklessly, and having trouble sleeping or concentrating.

How is PTSD treated?

First, Dr. Morrow performs a thorough evaluation of the biological, psychological, and social factors that affect your mental health. Then he develops an individualized treatment plan to help you achieve mental wellness.

Dr. Morrow provides support and guides you to your personal mental health goals. He uses evidence-based therapies for treating PTSD, including:

  • Mindfulness-based therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)

In addition to small group therapy sessions, you have the option to receive individual therapy at OC-Psychiatrist, Inc.

To find relief from the debilitating symptoms of PTSD, call OC-Psychiatrist, Inc. or book an appointment online today.